Can I Add Fresh Aromatics to the Sous Vide Bag?

You probably love cooking with sous vide, but it can be a challenge to get the perfect seasoning without adding fresh herbs or other aromatics. What’s the best way for me to add aromatic flavors to your meals?

Sous vide is great because you have time and space as you can set up your foods in bags that need no attention during their long cook times. It also gives an incomparable level of flavor when compared with any other type of cooking method.

Sous vide cooking is a method of cooking food in sealed airtight plastic bags at low temperatures. Many cooks are unable to find the right ingredients for their sous vide recipe because they don’t have time or access to speciality markets, farmers’ markets, and other local sources.

While sous vide cooking is a wonderful way to prepare an array of dishes, it can be difficult to make sure that your dish tastes as you wanted. One common issue with this technique is the lack of aromatic ingredients in the water bath.

Fresh herbs and spices are not only delicious but also add aromas that help enhance your food’s taste profile.

In this blog post I will explain how you can add fresh aromatics like herbs and spices into your bag while still maintaining the integrity of your dish as it’s cooked low and slow in a water bath set to a very low temperature.

Can I add fresh aromatics to the sous vide bag?

Yes. you can add fresh aromatics to the sous vide bag. Thyme and rosemary sprigs are two of the most common fresh aromatics that can be added to a sous vide bag. When cooking with the lid on, simply add thyme or rosemary sprigs, along with sliced shallots or garlic cloves, to the bags during cooking.

Many people have been unaware that you can add fresh aromatics to the sous vide bag. You should make sure to seal the bag with flavorings on both sides because they’ll infuse throughout your dish as it cooks in a vacuum-sealed environment.

Aromatics can be added anytime in the cooking process, before or during -Add your aromatics last so they don’t get overcooked and dry out.

What Herbs and Spices Should I Use?

You can add fresh aromatics or flavorings such as garlic, shallots, thyme, rosemary, bay leaves and olive oil to the sous vide bag. If you’re interested in adding more flavor, try using fresh herbs or homemade spice rubs instead!

What to do Before You Sous Vide Your Food

Some of the most common questions newbies ask are what should they do before they start cooking their food. There are a few things to consider when putting your food into a sous vide bag and many different ways that you can seal it.

One thing that’s important to note though, is if you’re adding fresh aromatics like herbs or vegetables, make sure those don’t go directly in the water bath because these will get chopped up and lose flavor during cooking. For best results, add them to a separate container before placing them in the water bath.

Before you start to sous vide your food, make sure to prepare the proper aromatics. These ingredients will not only add flavor but also improve the texture and juiciness of the food before it’s cooked in water for several hours.

Some spices that are commonly used include garlic, ginger root, fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary sprigs as well as citrus zest from a lemon or orange peel.

To make your food taste better, you can pre-sous vide your food. This includes adding spices and herbs like salt, pepper or even fresh aromatics to the water in sous vide bag before cooking it. For example, You could add four cloves of garlic into the water with an onion cut up as well.

It’s also important that you sanitize any pieces of equipment by boiling them for a few seconds beforehand so they’re clean when using them for meat or vegetables.

Best Sous Vide Steak Recipes

Tools You Need for Sous Vide Steak

EVERIE Sous Vide Container Food Preservation Machine with Bags and Rolls Starter Kit Wüsthof 1040100116 Classic Chef’s cutter Anova Culinary  Sous Vide Precision Cooker
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  • 2 1/2-lb. New York strip steaks*
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse black pepper
  • 2 herb sprigs (rosemary, thyme, or oregano)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. Fill a big saucepan halfway with water to start the sous vide water bath. The pot must be large enough to accommodate the steak, and the water must be deep enough to reach the water line on your sous vide. Next, immerse your sous vide in water and set the temperature to 130oF. (this is for medium-rare steak).
  2. Next, thoroughly season both sides of the steak with salt and pepper and place it in a medium-sized Stasher bag or Food Saver bag. Each steak should be placed in its own bag; therefore, if you’re cooking four steaks, you’ll need four bags.
  3. Then, on top of each steak, place around 1 tablespoon of butter and a sprig of rosemary.
  4. Remove all of the air from the bags and shut them. If you’re using a Stasher bag, attempt to remove as much air as possible.
  5. Cook the steak in a water bath at 130F for 2-4 hours.
  6. Place the steak on a plate after removing it from the water bath.
  7. It’s time to sear the steak for that incredible texture. Melt butter in a cast-iron pan over medium-high heat. When the pan is hot, drizzle in the olive oil.
  8. When the olive oil is aromatic, add the steak to the pan. Sear for 1 minute per side and remove from heat immediately.
  9. Serve with chimichurri or a tasty veggie side dish.

Should I put butter in my sous vide bag?

You can add the butter before searing or after it to give a more intense flavor. The preference for adding the butter into the bag rather than on top of the product allows you to have more control over how much heat it receives, which also makes it easier and less time-consuming when cooking with your food.

Can you sous vide without seasoning?

It is not a good idea to sous vide without seasonings. Since sous vide cooking times can be long, it’s important to add flavor to the steak. The most common way is by using aromatics like garlic and ginger before you seal them in a bag.

An easy way to season the food before sous vide is by adding fresh aromatics or herbs. These can include garlic, rosemary, thyme, basil and oregano among others.

Despite being a useful tool, sous vide cooking has its limitations. One of the most important is that it doesn’t have any flavor as all flavors are lost during the process. However, there’s still hope for home chefs who want to add their own aromatics or herbs when they’re using this method.

While you can usually use salt to season your food before placing them in bags and then seal them up with some water-filled plastic wrap, many people prefer adding fresh aromatic ingredients like herbs, garlic or ginger before sealing the bags up.

Angela Jones

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